Welcome to the 20th International AEK Cancer Congress

"Translating Cancer Biology: From Basic Mechanism to Therapeutic Exploitation"

Lars Zender (Tübingen)

Simone Fulda (Frankfurt)
Johannes Zuber (Vienna)

Keynote Speaker
Ton Schumacher (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Joan Massagué (New York, USA)

Confirmed Speaker
Bruno Amati (Milan, Italy)
René Bernards (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Oliver Bischof (Paris, France)
Matthias Dobbelstein (Göttingen, Germany)
Martin Eilers (Würzburg, Germany)
Gerard Evan (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Florian Greten (Frankfurt, Germany)
Douglas Hanahan (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Mathias Heikenwälder (Heidelberg, Germany)
Michael T. Hemann (Cambridge, USA)
Jos Jonkers (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Michael Karin (San Diego, USA)
Luis Toledo Lazaro (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Scott Lowe (New York, USA)
Anna Obenauf (Vienna, Austria)
Klaus Pantel (Hamburg, Germany)
Eli Pikarsky (Jerusalem, Israel)
Helmut Salih (Tübingen, Germany)

Scientific Commitee
Jürgen Becker (Essen)
Thomas Brabletz (Erlangen)
Matthias Dobbelstein (Göttingen)
Martin Eilers (Würzburg)
Rainer Engers (Neuss)
Peter Friedl (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Simone Fulda (Frankfurt/Main)
Jens Hoffmann (Berlin)
Elisabeth Höpken (Berlin)
Klaus-Peter Janssen (Munich)
Andreas Jung (Munich)
Christoph Klein (Regensburg)
Christine Sers (Berlin)
Sigrun Smola (Homburg/Saar)
Beate Volkmer (Buxtehude)
Elisabeth Wiesmüller (Ulm)
Lars Zender (Tübingen)
Johannes Zuber (Vienna, Austria)

Download Information Material

Congress Venue
EMBL Advanced Training Centre
Meyerhofstraße 1, D-69117 Heidelberg

Main Topics
  • Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy
  • Cellular Senescence in Cancer
  • Metastasis
  • Novel Tools and Model Systems in Cancer Research
  • Replicative Stress and DNA Damage Response
  • Targeting Myc and Ras
  • Tumor Microenvironment
Important Information - Abstracts
  • Deadline for abstract submission: December 20th, 2018
  • Deadline for late-breaking abstract submission: January 15th, 2019
  • Abstracts need to be submitted in English
  • Maximum number of characters: 2.500 including blanks
  • Please avoid special characters in title and text
Important Information - Registration
  • Early bird registration deadline: December 13th, 2018
  • Reduced fees for DKG-members and Students
Important Information - Certification of Attendance

The 20th International AEK Cancer Congress is accredited by the Landesaerztekammer Baden-Wuerttemberg with 6 CME credits for each day.

In order to receive your CME and attendance certificates, please enter your name in the attendance lists on each day, that you are attending. The lists will be displayed at the registration counter on-site. Printing or downloading your attendance certificates can be done online approx. two weeks after the Congress. As soon as the download is available you will receive an e-mail to the e-mail address provided during your registration.