Oliver Bischof
Born August 18, 1966, Germany; married two children
1995 Doctor rerum naturum in Biochemistry, Free University of Berlin
Present Position: Group Leader Insitut Pasteur, Research Director Grade 2 CRNS (DR2) in NuclearOrganization and Oncogenesis Unit (Director : Anne Dejean)
Professionnal Experience:
1992-1995 PhD in the laboratory of Prof. B. Wittmann, Free Berlin University, Dept. of
Proteinbiochemistry, Berlin, Germany
1996-1999 Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Dr. J. Campisi, Lawrence-Berkeley-Natl
Laboratories, Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Berkeley, CA, USA
1999-2000 Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Prof. F. Farzaneh, Univ. of London, King’s
College, The Rayne Institute, London, UK
2000-2004 Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Dr. A. Dejean, Institut Pasteur
2004-2012 Staff Scientist CRNS (CR1), Institut Pasteur
2010 HDR-Paris VII
2013- Research Director CNRS (DR2) and Group Leader, Institute Pasteur
Prix Scientifique de l’Académie de Médecine Prince Albert 1er, 2007
Prix de cancérologie de la Fondation Simone et Cino del Duca, 2010
Prime d’Excellence CNRS 2012-2017
Selected Publications
1. Seehawer M, Heinzmann F, D’Artista P, Harbig J, Roux PF, Hönicke L, Dang H, Klotz S,
Robinson L, Dore G, Rozenblum N, Kang TW, Chawla R, Buch T, Vucur M, Roth M, ZuberJ,
Lüdde T, Sipos B, Longerich T, Heikenwälder M, Wang XW, Bischof O, and Zender L (2018).
Necroptosis microenvironment determines lineage commitment in liver cancer. Nature in
2. Martínez-Zamudio RI, Robinson L, Roux PF, Bischof O. (2017). SnapShot: Cellular
Senescence Pathways. Cell,170: 816-816.
3. Ogrunc M, Martinez-Zamudio RI, Sadoun PB, Dore G, Schwerer H, Pasero P, Lemaitre JM,
Dejean A, Bischof O. (2016). USP1 Regulates Cellular Senescence by Controlling Genomic
Integrity. Cell Reports,15: 1401-11.
4. Puvvula PK, Desetty RD, Pineau P, Marchio A, Moon A, Dejean A, Bischof O (2014). Long
Noncoding RNA PANDA and Scaffold-Attachment-Factor SAFA Control Senescence Entry
and Exit. Nat Commun,19;5:5323.
Research Focus:
Senescent cells are now considered major contributors to health and age-related illnesses. What is
lacking is a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative assessment of the senescent phenotypes of
various cell types in culture and tissues, and in response to different stimuli and physiological
contexts. Additionally, detailed analyses of the extent to which senescence plays a causative role in
health, aging and age-related disorders is lacking.
The focus of my lab is to address these important knowledge gaps, using an integrated,
multidimensional approach combining state-of-the-art genome-wide gene expression and epigenome
studies, functional genomics, and human tissues analyses to determine how cellular senescence
contributes to organismal health and age-associated pathology.