Martin Eilers
General Information
Eilers, B. Martin, Prof. Dr.
Born: 29.12.1960, male
Nationality: German
University of Würzburg
Theodor Boveri Institute
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biocenter, Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
2005 - Sabbatical at the Fred Hutchingson Cancer Research Centre Seattle, Host: Robert N. Eisenman, Ph.D.
1988-1990 - Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Advisor: J. Michael Bishop MD
1984-1988 - PhD Thesis Biocenter, University of Basel, “Protein unfolding during import into mitochondria”, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Schatz
1984 - Diploma Thesis “Expression Cloning with Monoclonal Antibodies“, Max-Planck-Institute, Tübingen, Advisor: Dr. Bonhoeffer
1978-1984 - Undergraduate Course Biochemistry in Münster, Tübingen, Edinburgh
Scientific Degrees
1995 - Habilitation: (University of Heidelberg)
1988 - Promotion: PhD Biocenter, University of Basel “Protein unfolding during import into mitochondria”, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Schatz
Current Positon
Since 2008 - Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of
Previous Positions
2001-2008 - Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Marburg
1997-2001 - Associate Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Marburg
1991-1996 - Research Group Leader, ZMBH, University of Heidelberg
1988-1990 - Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Advisor: J. Michael Bishop MD
1988 - 1990 Scholarship “Deutscher Akdademischer Austauschdienst”
1978 - 1984 Scholarship “Stiftung des Deutschen Volkes”
Institutional Responsibilities
2009 ff Research Director Comprehensive Cancer Center Mainfranken,University of Würzburg, Germany (
2009 ff Section Speaker “Biomedicine” of Graduate School of Life Science, University of Würzburg, Germany (a DFG funded center of Excellence)
2016 - Member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina)
2014 - ERC Advanced Grant 2014
2006 - EMBO Member
2004 - German Cancer Award
1995 - Hess-Award of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
1988 - Auerbach-Award of the University of Basel
Commissions of Trust
2014-2019 - Chair of the Grant Committee Basic and Clinical Research of the Deutsche Krebshilfe (German Cancer Aid)
2011 ff - Member Scientific Advisory Board, Centre for Biotechnology, University of Turku
Member Scientific Advisory Committee, Max Delbrück Center (MDC), Berlin
2009-2014 - Member of the Grant Committee Basic and Clinical Research of the Deutsche Krebshilfe (German Cancer Aid)
2005-2011 - Member of the Hinterzartener Kreis for Cancer Research of the DFG
2004-2013 - Founding Chair of the Collaborative Research Centre of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft "Ras-dependent pathways in human cancer"
2004-2009 - Member Coordination Committee EU Project INTACT
2004-2008 - Scientific Advisory committee Association of International Cancer Research (AICR)
2000-2008 - Member review board section molecular biology of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
1997-2005 - Coordinator of two EU projects on Myc and E2F function
Editorial Board
2013-2015 - Member of the Editorial Board: Molecular and Cellular Biology
2010-2015 - Member of the Editorial Board: Cancer Research
2008 ff - Associate Editor: EMBO Journal
2005-2007 - Member of the Editorial Board: Molecular and Cellular Biology